What is Cystic Acne & How To Get Rid of It

Published: September 21 2023
What is Cystic Acne & How To Get Rid of It

The Ultimate Guide to Cystic Acne & How To Treat It

Everyone gets some kind of acne at some point in their lifetime. Whether it's the odd pimple every now and then or hormonal acne that flares up during puberty… we’ve all dealt with some form of uncomfortable and awkward acne! 

Cystic acne, however, can be one of the more extreme forms of pimples. It is a type of inflammatory acne that causes sore, red, and pus-filled pimples and spots underneath the skin. When it comes to managing cystic acne, it can be difficult to cover up or reduce redness and clogged pores and can cause a huge knock on your confidence. 

But fear not, at Peace Out Skincare, we’re the experts on acne-prone skin and have created this ultimate guide to help you through managing and ultimately, treat your cystic acne! 

What is Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne is identified by red, large, and painful spots or pimples underneath the first layer of skin. When bacteria gets trapped within pores and causes blockages within the skin. This encourages the bacteria to develop and causes the surrounding skin to become red. 

The cystic acne progresses as the infected bacteria create bumps that are filled with pus - called cysts. Should one of these acne cysts appear on the skin it can spread the infection further and lead to more breakouts. These areas of cystic acne are likely to be itchy, red, and sore - making it even harder to not touch the infected area! 

Typical areas to develop cystic acne are:  

  • Face and Chin
  • Back 
  • Shoulders 
  • Neck 
  • Upper arms 
  • Chest  

What Causes Cystic Acne?

There is no one answer to what causes cystic acne. However, hormones are known to be a big contributing factor. A hormone called androgen is heightened when you go through puberty, causing changes within your skin’s PH balance which can lead to more blocked pores and acne. Anything related to hormonal changes can be a cause of cystic acne developing, particularly during pregnancy, menopause, and menstrual cycles.  

People are most likely to experience cystic acne in their teens or 20s, but it can develop at any age. Also, you’re more likely to have cystic acne if one of your parents has also had it before. 

There are other different potential contributing factors that cause cystic acne such as:

  • Different types of medications 
  • High humidity 
  • Clothing that isn’t breathable 
  • Excessive sweating 
  • PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) 
  • Certain skin products - particularly harsher or drying products that cause your skin to produce more oil
  • Hormonal imbalances 

 Although a common myth, no matter how many times you wash your face, it does not affect your chances of developing cystic acne! 

How to Treat Cystic Acne 

As everybody is unique, there is no one way to treat acne, and people’s skin will react differently to varying treatments and products. For effective treatment advice and specialist acne medication for cystic acne, you may need to consult your doctor as some people’s acne is persistent. 

However, there can be ways to manage and treat cystic acne in order to prevent it from returning and wreaking havoc on your skin (and confidence!) Here are some helpful pointers: 

  • Skin routines are a great way to ensure that you are sticking to your skincare needs and goals. Taking the time out of your day to cleanse, moisturize, tone, and apply your acne dots or acne serum is a great way to start or end the day. Not only will a solid skin routine help with managing and treating your acne, but it’s also a nice excuse to have a bit of me-time! 
  • Salicylic acid as an ingredient within skincare can provide a range of benefits to those with acne. Salicylic acid has an oil-control property that prevents the overproduction of sebum (the cause of blocked pores). It also acts as a gentle exfoliator and helps to keep skin clear.
  • Diet can be a contributing factor to the production of excess sebum (skin oils) which in turn, causes acne. Studies have shown that the overconsumption of sugar and dairy can cause the excessive production of sebum and bacteria on the skin. If you struggle with cystic acne, it could be worth reconsidering your diet and if there are any alternative foods you can try. 
  • Don’t forget to moisturize when you have acne. Although this could seem counterintuitive, keeping your skin moisturized with the right product can help. 

Treat Cystic Acne With Peace Out

At Peace Out Skincare, we have a passion for helping those with acne-prone skin. We understand how dealing with cystic acne can be an uncomfortable battle, and how it can knock your confidence. That’s why at Peace Out, we’re committed to creating the right products and solutions for your acne. 

Whether you’re needing a targeted treatment or a daily regime to combat your acne, we have a range of products that include acne-battling ingredients, whilst still being gentle on your skin. Take a look at our Acne treatment product collection today to get started on your journey to clearer skin! 

Got a skin concern? We’ve got a solution. Just text us & we’ll walk you through your personalized step-by-step solution. Your skincare coach will ask for a quick selfie to ensure we find the perfect regimen for your skin concerns! Let’s Chat >

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